Example Details

Prioritize investments for bicycle and pedestrian improvements in Multimodal Districts
Strategy Category:
Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit
Prioritize investments: (II.A.4) Prioritize investments for pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements in Multimodal Districts and along Primary Multimodal facilities
Broward MPO
Broward MPO
Future: short-term
Applies Systemwide?:

Multimodal Districts on the I-95 Corridor Mobility Planning Project (I-95 CMPP)'s Aspirational Future Vision Map represent areas with moderate densities and/or a mix of uses where walking and bicycling are viable forms of transportation.

Local governments who are interested in making pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements in these areas can submit applications for these projects through the Broward MPO's Complete Streets and Other Localized Initiatives Program (CSLIP). CSLIP funding is not only specific to the I-95 CMPP Multimodal Districts - it is available for projects anywhere in Broward County. CSLIP provides funding for small local transportation projects that improve the safety and mobility for all transportation users. In addition to CSLIP funding, the Project Advisory Committee for the Broward MPO's Complete Streets Master Plan (CSMP) will identify projects to include in the CSMP's list of recommendations.

The CSLIP and CSMP projects will be included in the Broward MPO's Transportation Improvement Program multimodal priorities list.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Michael Ronskavitz, Broward MPO

Ex. ID 105

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
Walking & Biking: Right-of-way has balance for walk/bike facilities and transit/auto. Focus on connectivity to transit stations
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