Example Details

Develop a points-based system for ranking local bicycle and pedestrian projects in the LRTP process to determine prioritization and selection for funding
Strategy Category:
Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit
Prioritize investments: (II.A.4) Prioritize investments for pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements in Multimodal Districts and along Primary Multimodal facilities
Palm Beach MPO
Palm Beach MPO
Applies Systemwide?:

Through its Local Initiatives and Transportation Alternatives Programs, the Palm Beach MPO solicits project applications from local governments, In 2017, the TAP awards were $1 million and the LIP awards were approximately $3.5 million. The MPO holds meetings with local governments on request to talk about potential projects to help them prepare more competitive applications.

The Palm Beach MPO developed a scoring system for evaluating local projects in the development of the 2040 LRTP.

The MPO adopted a Bike Suitability Map in November 2016 and a Bike/Pedestrian Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Study in February 2017. The Safety Study contains hot spots for crashes, which the MPO uses as a criterion for evaluating Transportation Alternatives Program funds for local projects.

Through the development of the 2045 LRTP, the MPO intends to re-evaluate the scoring system for major projects, and develop a process for incorporating projects into the Transportation Improvement Program.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Kevin Fischer, Palm Beach MPO

Ex. ID 110, 288

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