Example Details

Apply for FDOT's TDLC designation on US-1 (Federal Highway) and other corridors (e.g. Dania Beach Blvd) to enable streetscape and Complete Street improvements
Strategy Category:
Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit
Prioritize investments: (II.A.4) Prioritize investments for pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements in Multimodal Districts and along Primary Multimodal facilities
City of Dania Beach
City of Dania Beach
Applies Systemwide?:

The City of Dania Beach and the CRA are looking into other potential corridors for Complete Streets improvements to make the corridors safer and more walkable. The City is using the Broward MPO's toolkit and Complete Streets guidelines.

Example last updated August 2017

Contacts: Ronnie Navarjo, City of Dania Beach Civil Engineer; Rachel Bach City, Dania Beach CRA

Ex. ID 116

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

Primary Multimodal
Primary Function: Primary circulation within and between multimodal districts
General Land Use Context: Mixed use - higher intensity, downtowns, and destination corridors
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with generous facilities for walking & biking
Non-Primary Hybrid
Primary Function: Lower speed alternative routes with access to local neighborhoods and local land uses. Provides connectivity for non-motorized modes.
General Land Use Context: Serves all land uses. Most common in lower intensity land use types.
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with slow auto speeds. Potential for traffic calming.
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