Example Details

I-95 Interchange modification at Sunrise Blvd
Strategy Category:
(A) Highway capacity: Increase auto capacity on highway facilities
Interchanges: (I.A.2) Improve performance of I-95 interchanges
Future: mid-term
Applies Systemwide?:

Planning study (MLOU and IOAR) are expected to be completed in 2016. Bid date is anticipated in early-2024.

The long term project involves adding a right-turn lane and a left turn lane to the I-95 southbound off-ramp. It also includes providing a second right-turn lane on eastbound Sunrise Blvd to southbound I-95 on-ramp. This project study is limited to the west side of the interchange only of I-95 at Sunrise Blvd.

This project resulted from recommendations on the SR-9 (I-95) Broward Interchanges Master Plan to evaluate proposed improvements under a PD&E study. The PD&E study was cancelled for this interchange and the ultimate improvements for the west side of the interchange will be evaluated under a concept development study. in addition, the east side of the interchange will be studied under the Broward Blvd PD&E

The desired outcome would be to implement the ultimate proposed improvements for the west side of the interchange. In addition, a design project to build the improvements has been already programmed for advertisement on July 2016 (FM# 435514-1).

Wetland impacts may be encountered but are not anticipated.

Example last updated July 2016

Contact: Casey Graham, FDOT D4 Design

FM #435514-1

Ex. ID 013

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

SIS Facilities
Primary Function: Higher-speed mobility for longer distance regional, commute and freight trips
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