The following outlines BCT’s transit service and transit capital development project implementation program for the upcoming fiscal year (2017) and for the new tenth year (2026). BCT’s updated service and capital plans are sorted into two categories: Status Quo Plan and Vision Plan. The projects in the Status Quo Plan are necessary to keeping the system operational through the 10-year period of the plan (2017-26). The Vision Plan projects are those that go beyond basic necessities and move the BCT system toward more completely meeting the needs identified in the BCT Connected Major TDP effort completed for 2014-23. Improvements identified in the Status Quo and Vision plans are need-based and therefore funding may not necessarily be identified for them.
Upon the completion of our annual minor (end of 2017) and major (beginning 2018) updates to the TDP and discussion of a potential sales tax plan, any rail or bus services are subject to change.
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Mabelle Mittelberg, BCT Service and Capital Planning
Ex. ID 136