Broward County Transit is working on or has completed service improvements to productive routes such as I-95 and I-595 express bus routes.
The BCT 2014-2023 Major TDP update indicated nine routes will receive reliability and capacity adjustments. These routes are identified in the service plans in Appendix L of the TDP. Improvements will include running time adjustments to improve on time performance, headway improvements, service span improvements, and route realignments on two different routes. One example is the I-95 express route (106), whose weekday peak service headways will be improved to 20 minutes.
Additionally, in 2013 BCT identified increased service hours on the 441 Breeze limited stop service, which runs all day to supplement the local service on this corridor. BCT increased service hours, reduced headways, and added stops along the 18 Breeze route.
Upon the completion of our annual minor (end of 2017) and major (beginning 2018) updates to the TDP and discussion of a potential sales tax plan, any rail or bus services are subject to change.
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Mabelle Mittelberg, BCT Service and Capital Planning
Ex. ID 144