Example Details

Prepare for Tri-Rail Coastal Link transit service by designating the station area as a Regional Activity Center and expanding zoning to promote a mix of residential and non-residential uses
Strategy Category:
Land Use: Encourage smart growth through land use planning and development approval processes
(II.D.01) Encourage a mix of uses to make destinations closer and within walking distance, especially within Multimodal Districts
City of Hollywood
City of Hollywood
Applies Systemwide?:

The City of Hollywood has a designated Regional Activity Center (RAC) on approximately 1,450 acres in the downtown. The City hopes to be selected for a stop along the Tri-Rail Coastal Link corridor. If the City is selected, the train station will be in the RAC and the City anticipates converting the RAC area into a TOD. The City is currently working on rezoning efforts to advance this vision for the area.

Several zoning districts in the City of Hollywood allow a mix of residential and non-residential uses. One example is the Downtown Community Redevelopment district which is part of the Regional Activity Center and allows residential, office, commercial/retail, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment/recreation uses. One of the City's initiatives is to promote mixed use within the RAC.

Areas along SR 7 are designated as Transit Oriented Corridor future land use. The City is working on rezoning this area to promote mixed use. The City is working with FDOT on this area, as FDOT desires to make the road wider in this area. The City intends to finish the rezoning process in Summer 2017. More information about the SR 7 rezoning is available on the City's website.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Vielka Quintero, City of Hollywood Economic Development

Ex. ID 184

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
General Land Use Context: Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre)
Lower Intensity Mixed Use
General Land Use Context: Lower density mix of retail, office and residential
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