Example Details

Include TOD and TOC designations in Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code
Strategy Category:
Land Use: Encourage smart growth through land use planning and development approval processes
(II.D.01) Encourage a mix of uses to make destinations closer and within walking distance, especially within Multimodal Districts
City of Deerfield Beach
City of Deerfield Beach
Applies Systemwide?:

In the City of Deerfield Beach's Comprehensive Plan, Objective FLU 1.5 and supporting policies establish the TOD land use category and Objective FLU 1.6 and supporting policies establish the TOC future land use category. The TOD designation is applied to the one area, east of the existing Tri-Rail Station on the Future Land Use Map.

The City of Deerfield Beach's Transportation Element Data and Analysis Section 3.6.1 indicates that the City has received a land plan amendment to change an 8.07-acre parcel adjacent to the Tri-Rail station from Commercial to Transit Oriented Development. This proposal includes the construction of 226 residential units, and 10,000 square feet of non-residential use. While this proposal is less intense than the original proposal, the development still involves some elements of TOD, including common access points between residential and commercial uses, and reduced parking requirements. The implementation and adoption of transit oriented land use categories support the regional efforts to encourage infill and redevelopment.

The City's Transportation Element Data and Analysis Section also suggests that “transit villages” be developed at the Tri-Rail stations to promote intermodal transportation opportunities. The City has added the land use category, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to the Future Land Use Plan which supports the transit village concept.

Link to Deerfield Beach Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map

The City has also incorporated TOD into the zoning code in Section 98-63.

Link to the TOD regulations in the Deerfield Beach Zoning Code

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Steve Graham, City of Deerfield Beach Planning and Development Services

Ex. ID 187

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
Primary Function: Concentration of activities in transit-oriented setting. Focus area for job and population growth
General Land Use Context: Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre)
Transit: Areas served by premium or frequent fixed route service
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