Example Details

Provide incentives (or “credits”) for infill or redevelopment projects within Activity Center future land use areas, which coincide with the I-95 CMPP Multimodal Districts. Incorporate development credits and Multimodal Level of Service concepts in Activity Centers.
Strategy Category:
Land Use: Encourage smart growth through land use planning and development approval processes
(II.D.01) Encourage a mix of uses to make destinations closer and within walking distance, especially within Multimodal Districts
Applies Systemwide?:

Broward County has started a new effort named Broward NEXT which is an effort to work with the municipalities to review Land Use and Comprehensive Plans to make sure they reflect current and anticipated growth and priorities.

The BrowardNEXT plan Section 1: Highlighted Regional Issues includes a Multi-Modal Vision with a strategy to "identify and implement a multi-modal level of service standard for redevelopment proposals. … Broward County shall develop and utilize a multi-modal capacity and impact measure to analyze and evaluate (re)development proposals, including those that require a Broward County Land Use Plan Amendment."

Section 2: Policies includes two policies related to transportation multi-modal levels of service:

Policy 2.18.1: For Land Use Plan amendments, transportation impacts from development within designated or proposed and eligible "Activity Centers," or municipal and county approved community redevelopment areas, may be analyzed utilizing the Institute of Transportation Engineers' "urban infill area" - person trip methodology.

Policy 2.18.2: By 2018, Broward County and the Broward County Planning Council shall study and recommend integrated levels of service standards for bicycle, transit, and pedestrian facilities and services within, at a minimum, designated or proposed and eligible ""Activity Centers,"" or municipal and county approved community redevelopment areas. If a proposed development fails to meet levels of service standards for automobile roadway capacity in such areas, the proposed development may be recommended for approval if levels of service for bicycle, transit, and pedestrian facilities are acceptable after considering effects from the proposed development.

Additionally, density bonuses are available in the Broward County comprehensive plan. The Broward County Planning Council has changed the policies within the Broward County Land Use Plan to reconsider the methodology for assessing transportation impacts of development to consider multimodal trips instead of just automobiles. The Planning Council has also considered changing the way residential developments are permitted by employing an automatic process for adding new dwelling units in regional activity centers every five years.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Pete Schwarz, BCPC

Ex. ID 193

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
General Land Use Context: Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre)
Transit: Areas served by premium or frequent fixed route service
Walking & Biking: Right-of-way has balance for walk/bike facilities and transit/auto. Focus on connectivity to transit stations
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