Example Details

Reduce parking requirements for mixed use developments and encourage shared parking agreements
Strategy Category:
Land Use: Encourage smart growth through land use planning and development approval processes
(II.D.06) Implement innovative and flexible approaches to parking to encourage walk-to-transit options and "park once" layouts
City of Miramar
City of Miramar
Applies Systemwide?:

The required amount of parking in the zoning code is reduced for all mixed use developments and shared parking is allowed. The City is currently updating the parking requirements in areas designated TOC.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Matthue Goldstein, City of Miramar

Ex. ID 226

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
Primary Function: Concentration of activities in transit-oriented setting. Focus area for job and population growth
General Land Use Context: Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre)
Transit: Areas served by premium or frequent fixed route service
Walking & Biking: Right-of-way has balance for walk/bike facilities and transit/auto. Focus on connectivity to transit stations
Lower Intensity Residential
General Land Use Context: Mainly residential with some neighborhood retail/service uses
Lower Intensity Commercial
General Land Use Context: Mainly commercial & office along commerce corridors - Residential uses may be present
Lower Intensity Mixed Use
Primary Function: Smaller scale mix of uses along a multimodal corridor. May be in a transitional area
General Land Use Context: Lower density mix of retail, office and residential
Transit: Premium, fixed route or circulator service depending on location
Walking & Biking: Walk/bike priority with generous facilities for bikes & peds; focus on connectivity to transit stations
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