Example Details

Incentivize development into mobility hubs (and Multimodal Nodes) to preserve rural areas
Strategy Category:
Land Use: Encourage smart growth through land use planning and development approval processes
(II.D.07) Encourage development to focus growth in transit-supportive nodal patterns including future premium transit station areas
Broward MPO
Broward MPO
Applies Systemwide?:

Mobility Hubs are transit access points with frequent transit service, high development potential and a critical point for trip generation or transfers within the transit system. The 2035 LRTP introduced the ‘mobility hub’ concept.

The Hub concept has evolved as the Broward MPO has worked with partner agencies and local governments to design and implement the Hubs. There has been a greater focus on pedestrian and bicycle connections, secure and comfortable places to wait for transit, and safe and easy transfers between routes. These investments in public spaces provide the framework for private investment in places where people live, work and play.

The Broward MPO is currently in the process of updating the Mobility Hubs Program. The market analysis for Mobility Hubs, approach to defining locations and typologies of Hubs, and implementation program will be reexamined in order to better define locations for future Hubs.

Link to the Broward MPO Mobility Hub website

The Downtown Fort Lauderdale Mobility Hub is the first Hub that the Broward MPO has programmed for infrastructure improvements. This Mobility Hub is centrally located in an area that is actively redeveloping because of its close proximity to the downtown business district and government centers.

Ft. Lauderdale Mobility Hub website

The Cypress Creek Mobility Hub is the second largest commercial district in Broward County. The Broward MPO and SFRTA studied the Cypress Creek Mobility Hub in 2015, and identified infrastructure improvements, site plan concepts, and joint development strategies through the Cypress Creek Mobility Hub Master Plan effort. Recommendations include further evaluating site plan concepts for hotel and office uses on the SFRTA-owned land, pursuing an area-wide amendment to the Broward County Land Use Plan to maximize land value, updating building height and and parking requirements, utility improvements, pursuing road diets and streetscape improvements along Cypress Creek Rd and Andrews Ave, and engaging in the upcoming FDOT PD&E study for the I-95 interchange.

Cypress Creek Mobility Hub website

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: James Cromar, Broward MPO

Ex. ID 232

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
Primary Function: Concentration of activities in transit-oriented setting. Focus area for job and population growth
General Land Use Context: Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre)
Transit: Areas served by premium or frequent fixed route service
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