Cities are the primary implementer for this example. FDOT can provide research and technical support if requested by local agencies.
Example last updated July 2016
Contact: Lisa Dykstra, FDOT D4 PLEMO
Ex. ID 269
Multimodal Districts & Nodes | |
Primary Function: | Concentration of activities in transit-oriented setting. Focus area for job and population growth |
General Land Use Context: | Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre) |
Transit: | Areas served by premium or frequent fixed route service |
Walking & Biking: | Right-of-way has balance for walk/bike facilities and transit/auto. Focus on connectivity to transit stations |
Lower Intensity Commercial | |
Primary Function: | Serve existing non-mixed use business, office or commercial destinations |
General Land Use Context: | Mainly commercial & office along commerce corridors - Residential uses may be present |
Transit: | Local circulator service or fixed route service |
Walking & Biking: | Vehicular business access is emphasized - Facilities accommodate bikes and peds too |
Lower Intensity Mixed Use | |
Primary Function: | Smaller scale mix of uses along a multimodal corridor. May be in a transitional area |
General Land Use Context: | Lower density mix of retail, office and residential |
Transit: | Premium, fixed route or circulator service depending on location |
Walking & Biking: | Walk/bike priority with generous facilities for bikes & peds; focus on connectivity to transit stations |