Example Details

Implement the recommendations from the City's Transportation Plan to provide alternative routes to congested corridors
Strategy Category:
(A) Highway capacity: Increase auto capacity on highway facilities
Parallel facilities: (I.A.4) Enhance capacity on parallel roads
City of Hallandale Beach
City of Hallandale Beach
Applies Systemwide?:

The City of Hallandale Beach developed its Transportation Master Plan in 2008, which focused on adding roadway capacity. The City's transportation focus has since shifted to providing transportation options via different modes including transit, bicycle routes, and pedestrian paths. The City is currently developing a Multimodal Mobility Plan to complement the 2008 Transportation Master Plan.

The City exacts a capacity fee (impact fee) that works together with the transportation master plan to provide alternatives to the congested roads.

Some citizens have voiced desires for a new interchange between Hallandale and Aventura (at County Line Rd) to alleviate traffic on Ives Dairy Rd & US 1. FDOT is examining alternatives to Ives Dairy Rd and US 1.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Eric Houston, City of Hallandale Beach

Ex. ID 028

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

Primary Multimodal
Primary Function: Primary circulation within and between multimodal districts
Primary Commerce
Primary Function: Mobility primary for freight and regional trips and employment center access
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