Example Details

Identify alternate corridors to I-95 that can serve as high-capacity north-south roads to facilitate long-distance commuter trips
Strategy Category:
(A) Highway capacity: Increase auto capacity on highway facilities
Parallel facilities: (I.A.4) Enhance capacity on parallel roads
Palm Beach County
Future: long-term
Applies Systemwide?:

The funding of roadways, including serving as potential parallel relievers, is an ongoing item of discussion in long term planning conversations. FDOT responds to lane elimination requests from local governments along north-south corridors that have potential to serve as alternate parallel corridors to I-95. The function of these roads is a topic of conversation in the lane elimination discussions. Tri-Rail is considered to be a parallel reliever to I-95.

Alternate corridors to I-95 in Broward County will be identified in the Integrated Corridor Management Plan which will be completed in 2017.

Example last updated July 2016

Contact: Lisa Dykstra, FDOT D4 PLEMO

Ex. ID 029

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

SIS Facilities
Primary Function: Higher-speed mobility for longer distance regional, commute and freight trips
Primary Multimodal
Primary Function: Primary circulation within and between multimodal districts
Primary Commerce
Primary Function: Mobility primary for freight and regional trips and employment center access
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