Example Details

Stripe bike lanes when repaving a road
Strategy Category:
Coordination within agencies themselves (e.g. various departments)
Coordinate improvement projects: (III.A.4) Coordinate infrastructure improvement projects to take advantage of opportunities when they arrive
City of Hallandale Beach
Future: short-term
Applies Systemwide?:

The road repaving on Pembroke Road in Hallandale Beach is an example of restriping bike lanes during a road repaving project.

FDOT's Roadway Design Bulletin 14-17 modified the FDOT Plans Preparations Manual to require buffered bike lanes, bicycle lanes, wide curb lane, or shared lane with markings for all resurfacing, restoration, or rehabilitation projects within one mile of an urban area or in any area with an existing curb and gutter. Green color bicycle lanes have been added to the PPM under Chapter 8 as a traffic control device to be used at conflict areas where road users should yield to bicyclists. A conflict area can be any one of the following: bike lane crosses a right turn lane, traffic in a channelized right turn lane crosses a bike lane, or the bike lane is adjacent to a dedicated bus bay. The need for this treatment must be demonstrated by either a history of three or more motor vehicle-bicycle crashes at or adjacent to the conflict area during the most recent three year period, or a government agency has observed and documented conflicts between cyclists and motor vehicles at an average rate of two per peak hour during two separate data collection periods in a one month period.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Alex Barr, FDOT D4 OMD

Ex. ID 289

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

Primary Multimodal
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with generous facilities for walking & biking
Primary Commerce
Walking & Biking: Accommodated; parallel facilities provided
Non-Primary Hybrid
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with slow auto speeds. Potential for traffic calming.
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