Example Details

Coordinate the developments of the Broward MPO LRTP with transit agencies’ TDPs so that each inform the other
Strategy Category:
Coordination amongst other planning partners
Utilize existing processes: (III.B.3) Utilize existing processes for communication
BCT, Broward MPO
Future: short-term
Applies Systemwide?:

Broward County Transit's Transit Development Plan was integral to the creation of Broward MPO's Commitment 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). 8 of 10 affordable transit projects in the LRTP are upgrades to support enhanced bus service.

Link to Broward MPO 2040 LRTP

The Broward MPO 2045 LRTP Scope includes the development and analysis of scenarios such as the continuation of existing development trends, new funding for regional transit, and focused development in downtowns and along premium transit corridors.

BCT Connected is consistent with the requirements for the State of Florida Public Transit Block Grant (PTBG) program, a program enacted by the Florida Legislature to provide a stable source of funding for public transit. The PTBG program requires public transit service providers to develop and adopt a 10-Year TDP using the requirements formally adopted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) on February 20, 2007 (Rule 14-73.001 – Public Transit). Chief requirements of the rule include the following:

  • Major updates must be completed every five years, covering a 10-year planning horizon.
  • A public involvement plan must be developed and approved by FDOT or be consistent with the approved Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) public involvement plan.
  • FDOT, the Regional Workforce Development Board, and the MPO must be advised of all public meetings where the TDP is presented and discussed, and these entities must be given the opportunity to review and comment on the TDP during the development of the mission, goals, objectives, alternatives, and 10-year implementation program.
  • Estimation of the community’s demand for transit service (10-year annual projections) must be made using the planning tools provided by FDOT or a demand estimation technique approved by FDOT.
  • Consistency with the approved local government comprehensive plans and the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTP) is required.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Mabelle Mittelberg, BCT Service and Capital Planning

Ex. ID 301

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

SIS Facilities
Transit: Commuter express service
Primary Multimodal
Transit: Premium service
Non-Primary Hybrid
Transit: Fixed route and community bus service as needed
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