The Federal Highway Administration requires all metropolitan areas whose population exceeds 200,000 to develop and implement a congestion management process - a systematic, objectives-driven, performance-based approach for managing congestion.
The Broward MPO combines its congestion management process with livability planning effort to provide comprehensive implementation of its LRTP. Through the congestion management process, the MPO monitors the capacity and traffic levels on major roadways in Broward County.
The Congestion Management process deals with current and short-term transportation conditions, while the LRTP looks 20 years into the future. Short-term strategies and congestion management improvements will address safety and mobility issues, transit service, transit access projects such as community shuttles, transit transfer improvements, bicycle and pedestrian projects and land use and development code changes with an emphasis on Mobility Hubs and along premium transit corridors.
Broward MPO Congestion Management Process & Livability Planning webpage
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Peter Gies, Broward MPO
Ex. ID 032