Example Details

Coordinate with FDOT on programs to collect bicycle and pedestrian counts
Strategy Category:
Coordination amongst other planning partners
Form new partnerships: (III.B.4) Form new partnerships for specific initiatives
Palm Beach MPO
FDOT, Palm Beach MPO
Applies Systemwide?:

FDOT Central Office (under Trenda McPherson) is currently studying bike/ped data collection with the goal of recommending a statewide counting program.

The Palm Beach MPO has developed a map of complete streets corridors to prioritize investments. The MPO is currently building on the complete streets efforts by collecting bicycle and pedestrian counts at specific locations, prior to and after constructing a complete streets project. These counts will be conducted with tubes and sensors to measure bicycle and pedestrian traffic, respectively.

The Palm Beach MPO completed a bicycle and pedestrian safety study. The Palm Beach MPO Governing Board approved this study in February 2017. (Link to Bike/Ped safety study) [http://www.palmbeachmpo.org/plans/ped-bike-safety-study]

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Bike/Ped Senior Planner (TBD), Palm Beach MPO

Ex. ID 321, 585

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

Primary Multimodal
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with generous facilities for walking & biking
Primary Commerce
Walking & Biking: Accommodated; parallel facilities provided
Non-Primary Hybrid
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with slow auto speeds. Potential for traffic calming.

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
Walking & Biking: Right-of-way has balance for walk/bike facilities and transit/auto. Focus on connectivity to transit stations
Lower Intensity Mixed Use
Walking & Biking: Walk/bike priority with generous facilities for bikes & peds; focus on connectivity to transit stations
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