In 2013, the Broward MPO evaluated various methodologies for measuring level-of-service for all roadways users to identify an alternative to the conventional vehicular LOS method for the Broward County Complete Streets Initiative's use. The MPO determined FDOT's LOSPLAN 2012 is most appropriate for the Broward environment. The MPO used LOSPLAN to compare the multimodal level of service of existing and proposed future conditions for two Complete Streets demonstration projects: Hollywood Blvd in the City of Hollywood, and Sunset Strip in the City of Sunrise. The application of the analysis revealed an improvement in bicycle LOS, and nuances in the formulas of the LOSPLAN methodologies for calculating pedestrian LOS for road diets.
The Broward MPO's Complete Streets Multimodal Level of Service Tool and Worksheets are available on the MPO's Complete Streets Implementation Materials webpage.
FDOT reports bicycle and pedestrian level of service on state roads as part of the state's Multimodal Mobility Performance Measures. FDOT is conducting various efforts related to multimodal transportation performance measurement.
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Peter Gies, Broward MPO; Lois Bush, FDOT D4 PLEMO; Alex Barr, FDOT D4 OMD
Ex. ID 377, 380