The City of Miramar has been working on a vision for a Town Center in the central part of the City, with higher density mixed uses, including a mass transit hub, library, city hall, and retail.
The City envisions a TOD development pattern along the SR7 corridor and has designated this land Transit Oriented Corridor (TOC) on the future land use map.
The City envisions Miramar Parkway east of the Turnpike as a vibrant mixed use community. Miramar recently received a grant for $1.5 million to develop an amphitheater in this area. The City will incorporate elements of Complete Streets along this portion of Miramar Parkway.
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Matthue Goldstein, City of Miramar
Ex. ID 438
Multimodal Districts & Nodes | |
Primary Function: | Concentration of activities in transit-oriented setting. Focus area for job and population growth |
General Land Use Context: | Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre) |