Example Details

Wherever possible, take advantage of low market conditions and purchase land for city uses (public/private partnerships)
Economic Vitality
Strategy Category:
Use policy and regulatory tools to incentivize economic development
(V.B.4) Pursue funding sources for 'catalytic' land use investments to spur economic development
City of Miramar
City of Miramar
Applies Systemwide?:

The City bought 57 acres during a low point in the market, and sold off all but 14 acres for the Town Center to a partner developer that essentially paid off the price of the initial purchase. The partner developed the land as residential. The City sees this as an example of the efficiency of public-private partnerships. Miramar is hoping to see a similar circumstance for the TOC.

Since 2013, the City has not purchased any land for the parking garage or other uses.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Michael Alpert, City of Miramar

Ex. ID 451

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Multimodal Districts & Nodes
Primary Function: Concentration of activities in transit-oriented setting. Focus area for job and population growth
General Land Use Context: Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre)
Lower Intensity Mixed Use
General Land Use Context: Lower density mix of retail, office and residential
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