Example Details

SR 845/Powerline Road from SR 838/Sunrise to NW 29th St lane elimination and restriping for buffered bike lane.
Strategy Category:
Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit
Construct improvements: (II.A.5) Construct improvements to improve the pedestrian and bicycling environment
City of Fort Lauderdale, City of Wilton Manors, FDOT
Applies Systemwide?:

Two projects will be let August 2016 (FM # 428741-1 and 430604-1).

SR 845/Powerline Road from SR 838/Sunrise to NW 29th St lane elimination (six-lane divided facility to a four lane divided) and restriping for buffered bike lane.

Context Sensitive Solutions: To assist the department in helping to meet stakeholders expectations regarding misc aesthetics and decorative features, as well as pedestrian, bicyclist and transit friendly options. This process will emphasize and encourage discussions among interdisciplinary professions, local government officials, homeowners and business associations and other local interest groups regarding but not limited to; misc aesthetics, decorative features, and pedestrian friendly options.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Thuc Le, FDOT D4 Design; Roberta Moore, City of Wilton Manors Director of Community Development Services; Karen Warfel, City of Fort Lauderdale Transportation & Mobility Division

FM #428731-1, #430604-1

Ex. ID 474, 476

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

Primary Commerce
Walking & Biking: Accommodated; parallel facilities provided
Primary Function: Mobility primary for freight and regional trips and employment center access
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