A Regional Concept for Transportation Operations (RCTO) defines the operating guidelines and goals for Express Lanes regionally and how to achieve mutually agreed upon objectives. An RCTO is a ""living"" document that contains operational, maintenance and technical guidance, including best practices, to inform the development of specific Express Lanes projects. As of August 2017, the Southeast Florida RCTO is in draft, and is anticipated to be finalized in late summer or early fall 2017. The RCTO will likely be available on the http://floridaexpresslanes.com website once finalized.
Southeast Florida Express Lanes RCTO Kick-Off Meeting Presentation (May 2012)
Southeast Florida Express Lanes RCTO Presentation (June 2013)
Regional Concept for Transportation Operations: The Blueprint for Action - A Primer (FHWA, 2007)
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Daniel Smith, ITS Operations Manager
FM #415456-1
Ex. ID 492
SIS Facilities | |
Primary Function: | Higher-speed mobility for longer distance regional, commute and freight trips |
Transit: | Commuter express service |