The BrowardNEXT 2017 Broward County Land Use Plan contains a Multi-Modal with four strategies, each with its own set of implementation strategies. Other parts of the land use plan include specific policies on transportation concurrency and impact fees, transportation mutli-modal levels of service, Complete Streets, and greenways and trails; implementation regulations and procedures; and recommended practices.
The Transportation Element of the current Broward County Comprehensive Plan also includes goals, objectives, and policies related to multi-modal transportation. The County will be updating the Comprehensive Plan in Phase 2 of the BrowardNEXT effort.
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Pete Schwarz, BCPC
Ex. ID 523
Multimodal Districts & Nodes | |
General Land Use Context: | Generally a mix of uses with high population and employment density (More than 15 jobs + people per acre) |
Transit: | Areas served by premium or frequent fixed route service |
Walking & Biking: | Right-of-way has balance for walk/bike facilities and transit/auto. Focus on connectivity to transit stations |