Example Details

Develop a Master Plan update for FLL Airport
Strategy Category:
(F) Ports: Accommodate critical freight and passenger mobility needs for airports and seaports
(I.F.1) Communicate needs of airport and seaport
FLL Airport
FLL Airport
Applies Systemwide?:

FLL created an airport master plan in 2008. The 2008 Master Plan addresses both the “terminal side” and the “land side” of airport operations. The terminal side concerns the operational logistics of airplane movements, such as runways, gates, and terminals, whereas the land side concerns the movement of people and goods before they interface with the airplanes and includes the parking, circulation roads, ticketing areas, and security.

The Airport kicked off a Master Plan update in 2016, which will take approximately two years. In addition to identifying improvements for terminals and connectors inside, the Airport will be identifying strategies to identify potential improvements to the outside road system used to access the Airport. Short term measures to improve land side operations and internal circulation are being identified as part of the project. The airport is also considering possible redevelopment of areas to the west and north of the Airport as part of the Master Plan process.

FLL Airport Master Plan

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: William Castillo, FLL

Ex. ID 075

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

SIS Facilities
Primary Function: Higher-speed mobility for longer distance regional, commute and freight trips

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Freight, Goods & Special Use Districts
Primary Function: Large area of freight activity and special passenger movement (passenger airlines and cruise ships)
Transit: Most areas served by infrequent fixed route bus service, if warranted. Special transit service for air and cruise passengers.
Freight: Freight priority; design for truck movement/access
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