Example Details

Evaluate usability of airport property west and north of FLL airport for possible redevelopment (Master Plan update)
Strategy Category:
(F) Ports: Accommodate critical freight and passenger mobility needs for airports and seaports
(I.F.3) Support expansion efforts for FLL Airport south runway and terminal facilities
FLL Airport
FLL Airport
Applies Systemwide?:

FLL is currently conducting an update to the Master Plan (2016-2018), and is considering possible redevelopment of areas to the west and north of the Airport. FLL is examining the available land and land surplus related to aviation needs in these areas. FLL's main issue is that the airport is land-locked, and FLL is looking at possibilities to address aviation-related needs.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: William Castillo, FLL

Ex. ID 080

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

SIS Facilities
Primary Function: Higher-speed mobility for longer distance regional, commute and freight trips

Place Types and Functions What is this?

Freight, Goods & Special Use Districts
Primary Function: Large area of freight activity and special passenger movement (passenger airlines and cruise ships)
Transit: Most areas served by infrequent fixed route bus service, if warranted. Special transit service for air and cruise passengers.
Freight: Freight priority; design for truck movement/access
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