Example Details

Explore opportunities to use the I-95 CMPP facility types in the Broward MPO's Complete Streets initiatives.
Strategy Category:
Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit
Designate a network: (II.A.1) Develop and designate a connected network of facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists
Broward MPO
Broward MPO
Future: short-term
Applies Systemwide?:

The I-95 CMPP facility types define a network of primary multimodal facilities that connect multimodal places, and define pedestrian and bicycle-related functions of other facility types.

The Fort Lauderdale Multimodal Connectivity Program and Deerfield Beach's Complete Streets Plans both designate streets into different types. See page 48 of the Fort Lauderdale program at Link and Chapter 3 of the Deerfield Beach Plan at Link

The Broward MPO is developing a stakeholder-driven Complete Streets Master Plan, which will result in a prioritized list of Complete Streets projects to be programmed into the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program. FDOT and other stakeholders participate through the Project Advisory Committee. The Complete Streets Master Plan could beis an opportunity to work together, while utilizing further incorporate the I-95 CMPP facility type designations into the MPO's Complete Streets planning efforts.

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Michael Ronskavitz, Broward MPO; Lisa Maack, FDOT D4 OMD

Ex. ID 084

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