PD&E Purpose and Need: - Address operational and capacity needs - Evaluate premium transit on SR-7/US-441 - Connect and improve north-south transit services - Address gaps in bicycle and pedestrian facilities - Improve safety
The PD&E study considered several independent alternatives, including: - Designating one of the existing lanes in each direction as special use (4+2 Alternative) - Adding one special use lane in each direction to existing lanes (6+2 Alternative) - Making a combination of smaller improvements (bicycle and pedestrian improvements, transit service improvements and park-and-ride lots, intersection improvements, and other operational improvements) to improve overall transportation system management (TSM Alternative) - Doing nothing (“No Project” Alternative)
The PD&E Study recommended moving forward with the TSM Alternative. Concepts for improvements include: - Adding turn lanes and increasing turn lane storage lengths at select intersections - Enhancing bicycle lanes with increased visibility and buffers - Providing shared use paths physically separated from vehicular travel lanes - Traffic signal improvements - Transit service and facility improvements
SR-7/US-441 PD&E Study Presentation, 2015 SR-7/US-441 PD&E Study Presentation, 2012
PD&E study from Sample Road to Glades road is completed, and improvements are funded for construction. Letting in April 2017.
Long-term improvements may include light rail or premium bus service.
The next step is to examine SR-7/US-441 from Sample Road to the Golden Glades interchange.
Studies completed and Sample Road to Glades Road is funded for CST. Sample Road to Golden Glades is the next step. Long-term improvements may include light rail or premium bus service.
Buffered bike lanes, wider sidewalks, signal improvements, transit improvements and intersection improvements are planned on US-441 from Sample Road to Glade Road. Letting is planned for April 2017,
Bike Lane and Sidewalk improvements are planned on Hollywood Pines from City Hall Circle to Dixie Highway.Letting is planned for March 2017 (434666-1)
Example last updated August 2017
Contact: Gregor Senger, FDOT OMD
FM #427937-1, #427938-1
Ex. ID 099
Primary Commerce | |
Primary Function: | Mobility primary for freight and regional trips and employment center access |
General Land Use Context: | Industrial, Commercial and Office; Residential if a through function |
Transit: | Fixed route service |
Walking & Biking: | Accommodated; parallel facilities provided |