Example Details

Identify opportunities for re-striping center turn lanes into bicycle lanes (e.g. Johnson Street)
Strategy Category:
Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit
Conduct corridor studies: (II.A.3) Conduct corridor studies for Complete Streets corridors and other multimodal corridors
City of Hollywood
City of Hollywood
Applies Systemwide?:

Designs for Johnson Street "Complete Streets" Improvement Project will provide bike lanes, which will transition to shared lane markings at intersections. The City hopes these improvements will revolutionize the corridor and provide more room for transit service. Other proposed improvements include new, wider, ADA compliant sidewalks,pedestrian level lighting, new pavement, improved drainage, landscaping, and signal arms. This project is under review for feasibility.

The project will cost approximately $16 million dollars. The Florida Department of Transportation and Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization are seeking federal funds in the amount of $12 million, with the City of Hollywood committing to approximately $4.4 million. Project construction is expected to begin in the Summer of 2021 with completion by July 2023. The City held a public workshop on June 29, 2016 to present planned improvements. Johnson Street "Complete Streets" Improvements Project website

Example last updated August 2017

Contact: Clarissa Ip, City of Hollywood Development Services

Ex. ID 100

Facility Types and Functions What is this?

Non-Primary Hybrid
Primary Function: Lower speed alternative routes with access to local neighborhoods and local land uses. Provides connectivity for non-motorized modes.
Walking & Biking: Emphasized with slow auto speeds. Potential for traffic calming.
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