Examples (5)

Objective: Mobility

Category: (C) Preserve existing capacity: Preserve and optimize vehicular capacity on regionally significant facilities

Strategy: Access Management: (I.C.4) Implement access management by reducing the number of driveways and curb cuts

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Description Objective Originators Implementors Timeframe
Add frontage or rearage roads Mobility FDOT Counties, FDOT Future: mid-term
Work with businesses to reduce the size and number of driveways Mobility FDOT Counties, FDOT Future: mid-term
Incentivize side road access (works well with urban form changes needed to move buildings to back of sidewalk) Mobility FDOT Cities Future: short-term
Coordinate with land owners to reconfigure access points through pavement maintenance Mobility City of Hollywood City of Hollywood Current
Develop an access management master plan that identifies corridors to emphasize access management (e.g. Primary Commerce facilities). Mobility FDOT FDOT Future: long-term