Examples (4)

Objective: Accessibility

Category: Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit

Strategy: Improve communication: (II.A.6) Improve the process for more direct communication between FDOT and local governments in the lane elimination process

Click on an example to view the example details. Go Back
Description Objective Originators Implementors Timeframe
Use lane elimination to increase pedestrian safety Accessibility City of Fort Lauderdale City of Fort Lauderdale Current
Reduce number of travel lanes on Wilton Drive to add on-street parking, bike lanes, and pedestrian improvements Accessibility City of Wilton Manors FDOT Current
Consider transfer of roadway ownership from state to local for lane elimination projects Accessibility City of Wilton Manors City of Wilton Manors, FDOT Future: long-term
Adopt a lane elimination process to evaluate capacity effects of potential Complete Streets projects Accessibility Palm Beach County FDOT Future: mid-term