Examples (7)

Objective: Accessibility

Category: Transportation: Implement a connected network of Complete Streets and facilities for non-motorized modes and transit

Strategy: Conduct corridor studies: (II.A.3) Conduct corridor studies for Complete Streets corridors and other multimodal corridors

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Description Objective Originators Implementors Timeframe
SR-7/US-441 PD&E Study from Sample Rd to Glades Rd Accessibility FDOT FDOT Inactive
Identify opportunities for re-striping center turn lanes into bicycle lanes (e.g. Johnson Street) Accessibility City of Hollywood City of Hollywood Current
Conduct studies to better understand the potential for TOD along certain corridors and in certain areas. Accessibility City of Oakland Park City of Oakland Park Completed
Develop a revitalization plan for Hallandale Beach Blvd. Accessibility City of Hallandale Beach City of Hallandale Beach Current
Prepare a State Road 7 corridor strategic master plan as a first step to identify smart growth principles, planning studies, and implementation strategies for the future Accessibility SFRPC, SR 7 Collaborative SR 7 Collaborative Completed
Develop a corridor master plan to support complete streets and multimodal improvements Accessibility City of Hallandale Beach TCRPC Current
Examine current multimodal users of roadways, and design improvements to make it safer and more comfortable for non-motorized users Accessibility City of Hollywood City of Hollywood Ongoing